You will after you complete this course!
This entry-level introductory course will enable you to make informed decisions when selecting a potential working LGD prospect, as well as help you to spot a real LGD and an imposter, from photos alone!
Don't stress over your LGD choices! Get educated and enjoy your journey.
You need a fact-based foundation before you jump in and invest in an LGD!
In the "Intro to LGDs" course, you will learn the true definition of "LGD," read a basic history of the popular (and some lesser known) LGD breeds, get a mini geography lesson on where they are all from, and learn about the LGDs' historical and present-day journey to North America.
The things we'll cover in this course:
LGD Defined - get the TRUE definition of LGD
Origin Stories - Breeds at a Glance + Motherlands
The Typical American LGD - How are they housed, worked, bred? Are we honoring our dogs?
Spot the LGD Training - Photo analysis training for pretend working dogs AND non-LGD imposters.
The Ten Questions You MUST Ask a Breeder Before You Buy!
Recap of 5 Modules and Completion Quiz to Earn Your Completion Certificate
*BONUS* Get Your Predator Score Assessment!
Get the information and support you need to navigate the wonderful world of LGDs!
When you complete your Intro to LGDs Course, you will be prepared to locate the RIGHT LGD for you from an educated perspective!
You'll also be eligible for a complimentary 30 minute consult with Natalie after you receive your Completion Certificate to help you narrow down your needs and your wants for your new dog.
Join the "Intro to LGDs" Course by
pre-enrolling NOW!
See you in the course!